Thursday, April 15, 2010


I dug it. I really did. I liked that there is a list of the top "diggs". The one for today was of a cat playing with an iPad. Being a cat lover, I had to watch it and then share it on Facebook. I read a few of the popular stories that interested me, as well. I think one of the coolest things about this site, in my opinion, is that I saw several items that are not on the "regular" news and some entertaining items that don't make the rounds through email. I could easily see myself spending hours on this site.

How can this be applied to libraries? I think it would be fun to use certain aspects of Digg in the customer side of the catalog. For instance if someone "digs" a book or movie, they could click on a thumbs up symbol (or whatever our symbol happens to be). If the catalog worked the way that Digg does, to keep track of how many "thumbs up"s something gets, it could be posted and updated regularly on the library's home page. Then, anyone visiting the website could see a "what's hot" among customers. The "thumbs up" is a nice alternative to writing a review, as well, since in only takes one click to do it. Many people don't want to commit to writing a review- no matter how short it is!

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